1st Design Thinking Workshop Tirana, Albania 12-15 April 2022


MOVET launched this week a series of 3 Desing Thinking Workshops, one in each Western Balkans country of the partnership: Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo. Design Thinking is an approach that draws on the ability of the people involved to be creative. It stands out because it uses tools and methodologies that are very productive when it comes to generate new ideas and support innovation. It focuses on problem solving, but also, and above all on creating a vison.

This is why the MoVET project is using it for the workshops that will support the Balkan partners in designing their internationalisation strategy.

First stop was in Tirana, Albania. The host was MoVET partner the Professional College of Tirana "Kolegji Profesional i Tiranes" and the activity engaged the entire organisation, including staff, teachers, trainers and learners.

Strategic objectives of this first workshop were:

  • Action plan
  • Internationalization services
  • Community building for staff and students

Results achieved during these day:

  1. Boost of team's creativity by imagining the bright future of Professional College of Tirana "Kolegji Profesional i Tiranes" in 20 years from now.
  2. A shared vision for the organisation was created by all inspiring outcomes .
  3. Application of the "How Might We" approach to be solution-oriented.